Since 2015 Huebi has been entertaining his viewers with gaming and comedy content focused on Nintendo. His community loves him for his close viewer engagement and unique sense of humor.
Social Media
Age Distribution
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Social Media
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Age Distribution
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Huebi has been able to collect more than 500,000€ in his annual donation streams. With #Huebicharity he already supported the children’s hospice St. Nikolaus, the Regenbogenschule Münster, the animal shelter in Augsburg and many other institutions.
Huebicharity Earnings
No Data Found
Huebi was born for the stage. In recent years, he has moderated numerous panels for StartIntoMedia and had the privilege of live streaming the Blauer Panther Awards on Twitch for the first time. He was also able to entertain over 1000 visitors in 4 cities with his podcast tour. His infectious positivity fills the room and creates an atmosphere of joy.
Let's work together.
You are interested in a cooperation? Feel free to contact us!
ue media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Weidenhartstraße 15 86830 Schwabmünchen